Friday, 8 June 2012

[SCOW] Impromptu Weekend (Evening) Racing

Hello SCOW Racing Fans,
Last year we did some 'impromptu' Sunday evening races, and I thought maybe we could try that again, either Sat night or Sun night, this weekend and maybe some other summer weekends (or if enough interest is there, every weekend!) This is very informal Flying Scot racing in the cove (or in the river if the conditions are right for it). I checked with Deepak and he said it was ok to do this. Unlike Wed night racing,  in this racing each skipper has to reserve and sign out his/her own boat, and this only happens if boats are available.
Can you please let me know what evening is better for you, Sat or Sun. Also indicate if you are crew or skipper. I'd like to shoot for sometime around 6 PM, maybe getting boats rigged a bit earlier, but 6 PM gives us plenty of time, as it does not get dark until 8:30 now. And that way we're out of the hot sun.
So in summary, if you are interested in this please indicate:
1) Sat evening or Sun evening (what is better for you)?
2) Are you crew or skipper?
3) Can you race this weekend?


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