Friday, 8 June 2012

[news] Frivolous lawsuit from FFRF re: Jesus statue


The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty has taken on the task of making sure an atheist group is not successful in forcing the removal of a Jesus statue at Whitefish Mountain Resort in northern Montana.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation wants it removed because it sits on land managed by the National Forest Service.

Eric Baxter, an attorney with The Becket Fund, explains why the organization's complaint is unjustified.

"The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), they're essentially professional bullies," he says. "These are the same folks who want to scratch off 'In God We Trust' from our coins and remove essentially any reference to God from the public square. It must be tough going through life feeling offended by every church, synagogue or religious symbol that they see."
Earlier this year, the Flathead Forest Service decided to renew the Knights of Columbus' special use permit for the property for another ten years -- a move that was reportedly supported by a majority of the public. The attorney asserts this monument violates the Constitution in no way, and he believes the FFRF's lawsuit is frivolous.

"Our museums are full of religious artwork -- even the Smithsonian, which is federally operated and run," Baxter points out. "It's full of religious art, and that simply doesn't create any kind of a violation of the Establishment Clause."

He adds that the 57-year-old monument is private speech on land leased from the government -- that does not mean the government is endorsing religion.
The Becket Fund has filed a request to formally defend the statue.


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