Sunday 17 June 2012

[SCOW] Skipper Director update

Ahoy Sailors!
Potpourri of random items, as usual...
1.)  If you're a prospective cruiser skipper and want to complete your water checkout this week, let me know-- we might have a spot for you.  Written test must be completed and graded prior to water checkout, and you must be prepared for the water checkout so we don't waste the checkout skipper's time.  Water checkout checklists for both boats are available on the website in the members' section.  Any questions, let me know.
2.)  A fellow sailor at WSM has very generously offered me the use of his Hobie Getaway (see attached photo), and I'd love to take SCOWers along in the coming months.  This thing is a rocket ship and a ton of fun, and if you've never sailed a cat, you're missing out.  Check out for specs on the Getaway and dust off your swimsuit, because you WILL get drenched.
3.)  We're seeing a lot of gear left in the Scots (extra paddles, spin poles, trash, etc.)--  please clean out the boats and make sure equipment is returned to the proper place.  Please also repack the spinnakers properly so they're ready to go for the next skipper.  If you're unsure about the proper spin packing procedure, let me know and I'll walk you through it.
4.)  I'm going to organize a boat-washing day sometime in the next couple weeks and expect some volunteers.  I will coordinate with Luis and see if we want to throw in some minor maintenance work as well, but we will keep you posted.
5.)  Ospreys have hatched!  There have been several sightings of the little guys in recent days.  Fun stuff.  I would say they are super cute, but they're actually quite unattractive in their current state.  Since they have been trapped in eggs and sat on for the past several weeks, and since you and I would probably look the same way given the circumstances, we will cut them some slack.
6.)  Try to get out on the water and take some pictures of your excursions to Nat Harbor, Cantina, etc.  Also consider writing a couple paragraphs as a "cruise log" for possible inclusion in ChaNNels-- what was fun, what you learned, etc.  I am scheming about some "Destination Sailor" awards at the Hail & Farewell and would like to honor the true explorers among us.  Just try to stay within the 12-mile limit.  Or at least on the Continental Shelf.  Please also note that in order to be eligible for a citation, the boat must still be sail-able and all crew must be accounted for, etc.
See you on the water,
Jonathan Thron
2012 Skipper Director

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