Sunday 24 June 2012

[news] Atheists have chance of becoming president


Most Americans would vote for an atheist for president of the United States, according to a Gallup Poll released Thursday.
When the question was first asked in 1958, Gallup reported, only 18 percent said they would be willing to vote for an atheist; but the number stands at 54 percent today.
The polls show a growing acceptance of a non-believing "leader of the free world," with the number rising to 40 percent in 1978 and 49 percent in 1999.
Democrats would be most likely to vote for an atheist, at 58 percent. Independents follow at 56 percent and Republicans lagging with 48 percent.
Poll results show Americans, generally, are caring less that they once did about the religious views or lifestyles of candidates.


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