Thursday 26 April 2012

[news] Atheist Group Says Students Coerced into Signing Abortion Petition


An atheist group in Canada claims that students at a Toronto school have been coerced into signing an anti-abortion petition. The Catholic school board in Canada denies these claims, but the group of Canadian freethinkers are standing by their charges.

If this were in the United States, an outrage would transpire over this. It's one thing to teach a student, and if you're at a religious school, indoctrination is normal. However, coercing students into signing petitions over legal measures whether or not they support it is just horrendous.
Some in the atheist group believe that the Catholic schools should lose their funding, as there hasn't been an abortion-related issue in Canada for several years. There was no reason for staff to address the students of St. Josephs Catholic Secondary School with political rhetoric aimed at opening up the debate of abortion—especially when the thought of a petition being used is thrown into the mix.


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