Tuesday 27 November 2012


I am sending this to a wide group of friends .  We welcome all participants who wish to share their ideas, but also anyone who is simply interested in attending as a listener, in interacting with the speakers, and in benefitting from the programs.  Please continue to check the AHEA home page (ahea.net) for updates on the program, lodging, etc.  The conference is very convenient, with rooms located in the same building as the presentations.  Room rates and meals are very reasonable, and the local community will offer some interesting evening programs.


If you submit a paper, you will be added to an email which will keep you posted on developments.  Decisions on the program are made in late January.




AHEA American Hungarian Educators Association


38th Annual Conference

2-5 May 2013

Rutgers – New Brunswick

New Jersey, USA

The American Hungarian Educators Association (AHEA) will hold its 38th Annual Conference from 2 May through 5 May 2013 at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. We welcome participation by academic scholars, independent scholars, other educators, and graduate students who are devoted to the teaching, research, and dissemination of Hungarian culture, history, folklore, literature, language, fine arts, and music. Presenters must be or become members of AHEA to have their names appear on the program.

The Program Committee invites proposals for papers, focusing on the presenters' individual research and findings, connected with this year's theme:

Preserving the Past, Finding the Future

Proposals should consist of an abstract of 200- 250 words; a brief scholarly biography, including degrees and scholarly fields (50-100 words); a description of any audio-visual requirements; and full contact information. Proposals must be submitted online at http://ahea.net/conferences/2013/submit-paper, or as an email attachment (Word only) no later than 15 January 2013, to the Program Committee Chairs as listed below. Please use your last name as the document title, as in "Smith.doc." Only one submission per author will be considered. Individual paper presentations are limited to no more than twenty minutes to allow for ten minutes of discussion following the presentation. The primary language of the conference is English; some sessions may be conducted in Hungarian, depending on the agreement of the session attendees.2

Az Amerikai Magyar Tanárok Egyesülete évente megrendezi konferenciáját a magyar kultúra, történelem, néprajz, irodalom, nyelvészet, szépművészet, zene és más kapcsolódó tudományokból.

A 38. éves konferenciáját a Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-n (New Brunswick, NJ) tartja meg,

Őrizzük a múltat - keressük a jövőt címmel.

Az előadások nyelve főként angol, de lehetőség van magyar nyelvű előadásokra is. Szeretettel várunk konferenciánkra minden kollegát, érdeklődőt. Akik a fenti témához kapcsolódva a jelzett területek bármelyikéről előadást szeretnének tartani, kérjük, hogy szándékukat 2013. január 15-ig adják be itt: http://ahea.net/conferences/2013/submit-paper, vagy az előadás címét, rövid tartalmi kivonatával és rövid szakmai életrajzzal, küldjék el a szervezőknek a fent leírt formában.

Program Committee / Szervezőbizottság

Ø Cultural Studies: Louise Vasvári, lov2@nyu.edu

Ø Education: Judith Kesserű Némethy, jn2@nyu.edu

Ø History: Julia Bock, Julia.Bock@liu.edu and


Peter Pastor, pastorp@mail.montclair.edu

Ø Literature: Enikő M. Basa, eniko.basa@verizon.net

Ø Music/Folklore: Kálmán Magyar, magyar@magyar.org and


Judith Olson, JudyOlson@aol.com

Ø Science/Economics: Susan Glanz, glanzs@stjohns.edu



Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey

The School of Arts and Sciences

The Institute for Hungarian Studies

American Hungarian Folklore Centrum, NJ

Hungarian Consulate, New York

Hungarian Cultural Center, New York

Local Organizing Committee

Paul Hanebrink , Co-Chair, Rutgers, hanebrin@history.rutgers.edu

Jim Niessen, Co-Chair, Rutgers, niessen@rutgers.edu

Kálmán Magyar, American Hungarian Folklore Centrum, NJ, magyar@magyar.org

Judith Olson, American Hungarian Folklore Centrum, NJ, judyolson@aol.com

AHEA Secretary/Webmaster

Katalin Vörös, University of California, Berkeley, voros@eecs.berkeley.edu


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