It's party time!
Sunday June 8
3:00 pm to 7 or DuskRock Creek Park Grove 1
Held Rain or ShineBCovered Area
(Corner of Tilden and Shoemaker, Metro accessible)
Hungarian students and young professionals in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area cordially invite you and your friends to our semiannual picnic.
This year we are being joined by the HUNGARIAN SCHOOL for their year-end celebration. Parents, students and all interested persons are doubly welcome.
Join us for an afternoon of fun, food, and music. (If you would like to play soccer or volleyball, please dress appropriately). Your ideas and support in organizing the picnic would be appreciated. If you are interested in helping out send email to; or
The picnic is free but your tax-deductible contribution is welcome. This will guarantee the expenses of the following picnic. Everything is provided, just come and enjoy!
Suggested donations: $5 per person, less if you have a large family. Checks payable to AHEA (American Hungarian Educators Association) can be dropped in the box at the picnic or sent to:
AHEA Picnic 4515 Willard Ave #2210 Chevy Chase, MD 20815
MeghívóMagyar Piknik!
IdÅpont: Junius 8, vasárnap délután 3:00 -tól 7-ig illetve sötétedésig
Megtartva ha esik isBa hely fedett
Helyszín: Rock Creek Park, Picnic Area 1, Washington, DC (metró a közelben)
Washingtoni magyar fiatalok szeretettel meghívnak Téged és Barátaidat félévenkénti piknikjükre. ÉtelrÅl, italról és zenérÅl gondoskodunk. Ötleteidet és segítségedet örömmel várjuk a piknik szervezéséhez.
A Magyar Iskola Évzáró ünnepsége a Pikniken lesz tartva. SzülÅket, gyerekeket, érdeklÅdöket szívesen látunk! Kérdéseidet, ajánlatokat küldd a következÅ címre: vagy
A piknik ingyenes, de adóból levonható támogatásodat örömmel fogadjuk. Ajánlott támogatás: $5/személy, kevesebb ha többen vagytok. Az adományok biztosítják a következÅ piknik költségeit. A csekkeket az American Hungarian Educators Association névre kérjük kiállitani és a következÅ címre küldeni, illetve a helyszinen az admonyos dobozba dobhatjátok. ElÅre is köszönjük:
AHEA 4515 Willard Ave #2210, Chevy Chase, MD 20815
_____________________________________________________________________Directions: HelyszínBy car:- from the Beltway go South on MD 185 (Connecticut Ave)- proceed South, past Chevy Chase circle- pass Albemarle Street- make a left onto Tilden Street- make a right at Linnean Ave (Spring of Freedom Street), the park is at the endof the loop (next to the Hungarian Embassy).By metro:- take the Red Line metro to the Van Ness - UDC station- after exiting the Red Line Van Ness - UDC station, the escalators lead up toConnecticut Avenue- head South towards downtown on Connecticut- pass Van Ness Street and traffic light- at the next traffic light turn left on to Tilden Street head all the way downon Tilden, but before you come across a little bridge and traffic light, turnright (to your left you will see The Rock Creek Gallery and the Pierce Mill, toyour right you will find the Hungarian Embassy, the picnic area is across fromit)Map:Lot 1 of Rock Creek park is across the street from the Hungarian Embassy.Map at yahoo maps:Map of Rock Creek Park: look for the BLUE "1" by Pierce Mill:
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