If you can’t come, please donate! The 9th Annual Hungarian Charity Ball: May 9, 2014, Washington, D.C. |
01/14/2014 - The 9th Annual Hungarian Charity Ball returns, raising funds for worthy causes... The American Hungarian Federation and the Hungarian Scouts of Washington sponsor the Jótékonysági Est (Benefit Event) to support educational and charitable programs.
This year's event returns to the Sheraton Premiere at Tyson's Corner: 8661 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA 22182. 6 pm reception! Program begins at 7:00. Music by the New York Continental Band, Black Tie! Great food, dance, friends, and a great cause! BUY TICKETS ONLINE! http://www.americanhungarianfederation.org/news_AHF_Hungarian_Ball_2014-05-09.html A bál jövedelméből az Amerikai Magyar Oktatási és Kultúrális Alapot kívánjuk támogatni, magyar származású diákok ösztöndíjának biztosítására(Amerikai Magyar Oktatási és Kultúrális Alap -AMOKA). Szeretnénk pénzügyi alapot létrehozni egy jövőbeli washingtoni Magyar Ház megvásárlására: 6:00 – Poharazás, zene 7:00 – Ünnepi köszöntő 7:30 – Vacsora 8:30 – Bál 11:00 – Tombola 12:00-12:30 – Poharazás, Zene Zene: New York-i Continental Zenekar | The proceeds from the benefit event will be applied to help support Hungarian Culture and Students of Hungarian descent via the Hungarian-American Educational and Cultural Fund (AMOKA); a fund to establish a Hungarian House in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area: 6:00 – Cocktails 7:00 – Opening ceremonies 7:30 – Dinner 8:30 – Dancing 11:00 – Raffle 12:00-12:30 – Music and cocktails. Music by the New York Continental Band, Black Tie, Raffle Bar |
The American Hungarian Federation is an all-volunteer, 501(C)(3) non-profit, non-partisan, educational and charitable organization (TIN: 34-1253539). All donations may be tax-deductible. Please consult your financial advisor.
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