Kedves unicumi szulok,tagok...
Erdekel-e benneteket agusztusi nyari gyerektabor vagy esetleg szeptemberben indulo europai stilusu ovoda amely magaba foglalna az ittenni hianyossagok potlasait?(Mint peldaul a gyerek szerepe es fontossaga mint egyen ,esztetikai neveles(a szep erzek fejlesztese),gyerek -termeszet kozotti szoros kapcsolat es egeszseges eletmod fejlesztese(gyumolcsok ,zoldsegfelek fogyasztasa rendszeres mozgas,organikus dolgok,termeszetbarat tisztitoszerek), onmegvalosulas, eletre valo neveles ,onnalossag ......)
A nyari tabor kezmuves foglalkozasokbol,sportjatekokbol,dramapedagogiabol,zenei nevelesbol, (nepi enekek, jatekok jatszasa) ,mese meselesbol allna.
A helyszin Burke, VA lenne.
Kerlek jelezzetek a ket lehetoseg kozul mi az ami erdekelne benneteket valamint a gyerek korat es igenyeiteket (egesznapos vagy felnapos tabort ,ovodat igenyelnetek?).
Tisztelettel Cseko Elvira
(Europaban szerzett szakkepzet okleveles ovono ,jatszohazvezeto,fazekas oktato.)
Elerhetosegi informaciok
Dear Unicum parents, members:
Interested in a Hungarian summer camp in August or a European style pre-school starting in September? What I can offer is an education that focuses on children's roles as individuals, the appreciation of aesthetics, the importance of having a close relationship between child and nature, healthy lifestyle (healthy foods , using environmentally-friendly cleaning supplies....), learning how to be independent and acquiring real-life skills.
The summer camp would include activities such as arts and crafts, sports, role-playing, music (folk music singing) and storytelling.
Location is Burke, VA.
Please let me know if interested in any of these two options and include your child's (or children's) age. Also please indicate whether you're interested in a full-day or half-day camp and/or pre-school.
Elvira Cseko -
Hungarian kindergarten and pre-school teacher with formal education gained in Europe. Additional certifications in leading activities such as pottery
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