For those that might be interested.
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Race Talk Revolution <>Date: Mon, Dec 5, 2022 at 12:53 PM
Subject: Join us Thursday at 7EST - Race & Ethnicity on Stage and Film

Hello Race Talk Family! The theater, television and film industries are a microcosm of American society where race, class, ethnicity and gender bias are played out on stage and screen. This shows up as racial stereotypes, limited roles, and lack of diversity. This scenario also occurs behind the scenes, as writers, actors and directors of color are blocked or required to adjust to please financiers and audience expectations that align with false narratives about communities of color. Join us on Thursday, Dec. 8th at 7 PM EST for the second in a series of four discussions that will explore the ways that race and ethnicity affect artistic expression – what gets produced, how the work is received, how artists see themselves in the world and the choices they make. Panelists include, actor and award-winning playwright, Keith Hamilton Cobb (yes, that's my brother!), award-winning actor, Terence Bernie Hines and award-winning actor and writer, Michael Patrick Boatman. See their bios below. *** NOTE THIS IS A NEW LINK - Register Here. Join the conversation and bring your friends and colleagues to these important discussions! Register at or join us live on Facebook @Race Talk Revolution. In solidarity, Rev. Lane Cobb *** Race Talk is a Loving, Respectful, Inclusive platform designed to encourage courageous, constructive dialogue around tough issues pertaining to race. It is a safe space for people to share, learn and grow our capacity for practicing radically inclusive love, create Beloved Community, and uplift the human spirit. In our Race Talk community, we practice compassionate listening and unconditional love, even when we don't understand or agree. Thank you for your support. |
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Denise A Alston, PhD Yoga|Meditation|Ayurvedic Wellbeing|Coaching Lives of Purpose|Spirit in Action
Award Winner Voice Actor
Enjoy Life!
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gal`va`nize: to stimulate people into sudden activity; to provide a network for DC metropolitan theatre artists, specifically those of the African diaspora, in order to connect, support and encourage each other because "we are all far too beautiful to be so seen so little".
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