Programajánló/Program Recommendation
A magyar jazz-rock legenda, Leslie Mandoki @Mandoki Soulmates tisztelettel hívja az amerikai, és az amerikai magyar közönséget koncertjére
2025. február 6-án 7 órától
a clevelandi
The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame-be.
The Hungarian jazz-rock legend, Leslie Mandoki, Mandoki Soulmates respectfully invites the American and Hungarian-American audience to his concert
on February 6, 2025, at 7:00 PM
at The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
in Cleveland
Further information about the event:
Interview with Mr. Mandoki by Bocskai Radio: (Hungarian)
In 1992, Ian Anderson, Jack Bruce, and Al Di Meola became founding members of Leslie Mandoki’s band project ManDoki Soulmates, and for over 25 years since, Leslie Mandoki has continued to unite a who’s who of the icons of Anglo-American and European rock and jazz-rock in the Mandoki Soulmates band.
The band founder, and anchor Leslie Mandoki was raised in Hungary while under oppressive Soviet control, after being arrested over a dozen times for dissent, he and a friend made a harrowing cross border escape by running thru a 4 mile long railroad tunnel and eventually made it to Germany and then the USA where he realized his dream of creating music with his idols.
The remarkable lineups in the band’s recordings and performances over the years have included singers and players including 1993 Inductee Jack Bruce, 2023 Inductee Chaka Khan, 1994 Inductee Eric Burdon, 2024 Inductee Peter Frampton, and 2016 Inductee Jon Lord.
With his Soulmates, Leslie Mandoki raises Jazz-Rock back to socio-political relevance, to quote him in his own words: “Even in times of Twitter, social media and short news on the smartphone, when mental laziness often blocks the perception, music for us is still like a love letter to our audience – handwritten with ink on paper.”
This band is pure sophisticated JazzRock, or as Greg Lake put it: “One of the best bands you will ever hear!”
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