Wednesday 31 July 2024

[Unicum] GiftOnline a "Legmegbízhatóbb Magyar Ajándékozó Cég 2024"

Információ azoknak, aki itt élnek az USA-ban és szeretnének ajándékot küldeni haza, Magyarországra.

Kedves Ajándékozók, 2012 óta segíti a külföldön élô magyarságot azzal, hogy megkönnyíti az ajándékozás hosszas procedúráját. A cég weboldalán rendelést lehet leadni, amit 4-6 munkanap alatt a magyarországi partnerek elkészítenek és kiszálítanak az ország bármely pontjára.

Ebben az évben a is részt vett a harmadik alkalommal megrendezett Perfect Gift Awards 2024 versenyén, amelyet a LUXlife Magazin írt ki, ahol valóban megtiszteltetés volt látni az idei évben részt vevő cégek színvonalát.

Örömmel jelentjük, hogy a mi cégünk elkötelezettsége, kemény munkája és elhivatottsága elismeréseként, a GiftOnline elnyerte a 

Legmegbízhatóbb Magyar Ajándékozó Cég 2024 díjat. 
A hivatalos eredményhírdetés 2024 szeptemberében lesz. 

Köszönjük a megtiszteltetést!
"A LUXlife Magazin minden munkatársa nevében szeretettel gratulálunk a jól megérdemelt sikerhez. Őszintén reméljük, hogy a hírek örömmel töltik el a cég dolgozóit, és szebbé teszik a mai napot."

Melissa Bramall – AI Global Media Ltd
Sales Executive


Eva K. Balogh, M.Ed.

Read More :- "[Unicum] GiftOnline a "Legmegbízhatóbb Magyar Ajándékozó Cég 2024""

Tuesday 30 July 2024

[Unicum] Szálláskeresés ösztöndíjas részére/Search available room for rent

Tisztelt Unicum Levelezőlista!



Magyarország Nagykövetsége szálláslehetőséget keres magyarországi ösztöndíjasa részére, aki


2024. augusztus 15-e és október 15 (1 lány)


időszakra szeretne albérletet találni, ahonnan elérhető washingtoni kutatói, gyakornoki munkahelye.


Amennyiben valaki szívesen biztosítana albérletet az ösztöndíjasunknak, kérem tisztelettel 2024. augusztus 5-ig vegye fel velem a kapcsolatot.





Dear All,


The Embassy of Hungary is looking for an accommodation option for its Hungarian trainee.

She would like to find rental place for the following period:

  • From August 15 to October 15, 2024

The accommodation should be accessible to her research and internship sites in Washington, D.C.

If anyone is willing to provide rental accommodation for the fellow, please kindly contact me by August 5, 2024.



Köszönettel és tisztelettel:




Zsuzsanna Fekete

Diaspora Affairs










Read More :- "[Unicum] Szálláskeresés ösztöndíjas részére/Search available room for rent"

GALVANIZE: ANC6D Request For Proposal

Hello Artists, 

I'm passing this along to any of you who are web design freelancers. This is a $4000 contract. 

Please see details below.



EDWARD DANIELS | AEA | | IMDB: Profile@EdwardDaniels 

Scorpio Entertainment | CEO | | @ScorpioDJs

Monologue Madness | Producer | | @MonologueMad

Desk: 202-536-4495, Tues-Fri, 10am-4pm

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Advisory Neighborhood Commission 6D <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 10:47:33 AM EDT
Subject: ANC6D Request For Proposal

ANC6D Request for Proposal (RFP)

Deadline August 30, 2024

Download Document
Facebook  X  Instagram

Read More :- "GALVANIZE: ANC6D Request For Proposal"

Monday 29 July 2024

GALVANIZE: Fitness Instructor for Race Warm-Up

Hello Artists...

I'm currently looking for a fitness instructor to lead a warmup for a race event on Aug 17, 2024, in Fairfax, VA.

Warmup person is needed for about 30 min in the morning. Warmup would be about 10 min total from 7am-7:10am.

If you are interested and available, please respond ASAP with your info and a quote. 

Thank you!


EDWARD DANIELS | AEA | | IMDB: Profile@EdwardDaniels 

Scorpio Entertainment | CEO | | @ScorpioDJs

Monologue Madness | Producer | | @MonologueMad

Desk: 202-536-4495, Tues-Fri, 10am-4pm
Read More :- "GALVANIZE: Fitness Instructor for Race Warm-Up"

(Career Progress) HIRING: Development Director (Remote)

Hi all, Hand in Hand is looking for a Development Director! Hand in Hand: The Domestic Employers Network (HIH) is a national organization committed to building a more just and caring economy starting in our homes and communities. We support employers of nannies, house cleaners, home care workers, and attendants, their families and allies, to understand that their homes are workplaces.Location: Remote
Salary Range: $91,638 - $98,038
Application Deadline: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, priority will be given to those applications received by September 5, 2024.
Start Date: October 2024
Job description and how to apply can be found here:

(includes networking, job and other career sites)
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Read More :- "(Career Progress) HIRING: Development Director (Remote)"

GALVANIZE: DC Theatre Census & DC Dance Census Kickoff!

DC Area Theatre and Dance Professionals!

The DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities proudly announces the kickoff of the DC Area Theatre Census and the DC Area Dance Census on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, from 6:00pm-8:00pm at Whitlow's DC!

These two community-led initiatives aim to gain a better understanding of the current needs of the Greater Washington, DC-area theatre and dance communities.

The census captures key information about the DC area theatre and dance economies to help the community make more informed, data-driven decisions to support the theatre and dance ecosystems.

The censuses will ask questions specific to the realities of the local theatre and dance industry professionals and their workers, including general information about their demographics and occupation types as well as their perspective
on issues such as diversity, equity, and belonging.

The censuses will be administered by the DC Commission on the Arts & Humanities, the state arts agency of the District of Columbia, and is open to all theatre and dance industry ecosystem members who live and work in the following cities and counties:

Washington, DC, Montgomery, Prince Georges, Anne Arundel, Howard, Frederick, Charles, Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, Prince William, Arlington City, Alexandria, Falls Church, Fairfax City, Manassas, and Manassas Park.

Learn more and RSVP to our kickoff event at  and .

For reasonable accommodations, please contact David Markey at


EDWARD DANIELS | AEA | | IMDB: Profile@EdwardDaniels 

Scorpio Entertainment | CEO | | @ScorpioDJs

Monologue Madness | Producer | | @MonologueMad

Desk: 202-536-4495, Tues-Fri, 10am-4pm
Read More :- "GALVANIZE: DC Theatre Census & DC Dance Census Kickoff!"

Sunday 28 July 2024

[Unicum] kérést közvetítek

Kedves Listatagok!

Meg tudná mondani valaki, hogy mennyibe kerülhet (órabérben) levelek fordítása román nyelvről angolra? 

Választ a köv. címre kérem:

Can anyone suggest a fair hourly rate for translating personal letters from Romanian language to English?

Please answer to:

Köszönettel - many thanks

Feliratkozas emailen
Azért kapta ezt az üzenetet, mert feliratkozott a Google Csoportok „Unicum" csoportjára.
Az erről a csoportról és az ahhoz kapcsolódó e-mailekről való leiratkozáshoz küldjön egy e-amailt a(z) címre.
Ha szeretné megtekinteni ezt a beszélgetést az interneten, látogasson el ide:
Read More :- "[Unicum] kérést közvetítek"

Saturday 27 July 2024

[Unicum] Református istentisztelet

Kedves Testvérek!

Emlékeztető a holnapi, magyer nyelvű református istentiszteletre.  (11,00 óra, Welsey Seminary, Oxnam Chapel, 4500 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC 20016)

Aki nem tud személyesen részt venni, az alábbi Zoom link segítségével kapcsolódhat be.

Judit Mayer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Istentisztelet
Time: Jul 28, 2024 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 9105 2714
Passcode: 046586


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Meeting ID: 822 9105 2714
Passcode: 046586

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Read More :- "[Unicum] Református istentisztelet"

Friday 26 July 2024

GALVANIZE: Casting - Chris' Corner

Hi, everyone!

My mentee and her sister are making a passion project. I know they will have good food and have a great set environment.



Production Title: Chris' Corner
Union / Non-Union: Non-Union
Production Type: Independent
Project length: Web Series - 9 Episodes
Production location: Washington, DC
Compensation: Unpaid, food provided + credits/reel footage.

About this Project:
"Chris' Corner" is a comedic and wholesome web series about a sanitation worker named Chris
whose life is intermingled with residents of a neighborhood tucked away in a busy city filled with
quirky characters that make for a lot of shenanigans.

Send a headshot, resume and brief reel/monologue to the email listed above by July 28th, 2024.

Auditions will be held via Zoom as scheduled.

Shooting Dates (Episodes 1 & 3):
August 2nd- August 4th, 2024

August 8th- August 11th, 2024

Character Bios
DEON [GENDER: MALE] [AGE: 38-45] - Black / African Descent
Deon along with Tracy is one of the secondary characters and is considered the comic relief of
the show. Deon is always scheming, and he is smart, but not serious. Deon has a lot of "off the
cuff" one-liners, and is always trying to get a girl.

TRACY [GENDER: FEMALE] [AGE: 42-48] - Black / African Descent
Tracy along with Deon is one the show's secondary characters and is considered the outspoken
warrior of the neighborhood. Tracy is fiery, sassy, and does not put up with nonsense and trifling
behavior. While she comes off as stubborn and sometimes makes rash decisions, she is able to
learn from her mistakes and take criticism from others.

DENISE [GENDER: FEMALE] [AGE: 38-43] - Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous /

Denise, along with John, is one the show's tertiary characters. Denise is always getting dolled
up and going out or on dates. She is always picking up a new hobby or job. Denise also likes to
plan events and trips, as well as inserting herself into other people's business. Denise is a girl's
girl and will always have her girls back. She is almost the opposite of John.

JOHN [GENDER: MALE] [AGE: 28-36] - White / European Descent
John, along with Denise, is one the show's tertiary characters. John is new to the neighborhood
(moved in about a year and a half ago) and works at the neighborhood recreation center. John
is a very chill, stand up guy who just likes to be around and wants to be included.

TYLER [GENDER: MALE] [AGE: 6-8] - Black / African Descent
Tyler is a young boy who, after getting lost from home, decides to follow around a sanitation
worker named Chris. Tyler likes to ask questions, and observe people. Tyler is an adventurer at
heart who has never ending energy.

DANTE [GENDER: MALE] [AGE: 11-13] - Black / African Descent
One of Denise's twin boys, a natural-born and extroverted leader. Dante loves people and loves
to write. He aspires to be an author one day.

CALVIN [GENDER: MALE] [AGE: 11-13] - Black / African Descent
One of Denise's twin boys, a great team player, reserved and athletic. Calvin is into coding and
everything tech. He hopes to one day invent his own computer OS (operating system).

VERNON [GENDER: MALE] [AGE: 45-55] - Person of Color of Any Race / Ethnicity
Neighborhood guy. In a relationship with his sweetheart, Olivia, and is cool with pretty much
everyone in the neighborhood.

OLIVIA [GENDER: FEMALE] [AGE: 45-55] - Person of Color of Any Race / Ethnicity
Sweet, serious and calm temperament, in a relationship with her sweetheart, Vernon.

BARBER [GENDER: MALE] [AGE: 38-45] - Any Race / Ethnicity
Owns the neighborhood barber shop where lively debates and conversations always abound.

He/she who takes a chance, who walks the line between the known and the unknown, who is unafraid of failure, will succeed. - Gordon Parks

May every day be the beginning of an endless self discovery and adventure......whether you like it or not. Embrace it and soar!     - H. Taha

Film Projects:
Her Voice: Charlayne Hunter-Gault
Status: Postproduction 

Director: Carletta S. Hurt
Status: Pre-Production / R&D

Featuring Victoria Rowell / Starring Melan Perez
Streaming now on Tubi

Director/Producer: Carletta S. Hurt
Film Festival Circuit - Private Screenings

UMC and Days Ferry Production

Written and Directed by Victoria Rowell
Watch on ALLBLK or Amazon Prime!

Written and Directed by Karyn Langhorn Folan

Written by Jamelle Williams-Thomas and Danielle Mooney

gal`va`nize: to stimulate people into sudden activity; to provide a network for DC metropolitan theatre artists, specifically those of the African diaspora, in order to connect, support and encourage each other because "we are all far too beautiful to be so seen so little".

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Read More :- "GALVANIZE: Casting - Chris' Corner"

Thursday 25 July 2024

(Career Progress) Seeking Remote or Hybrid Assistant or Project Management Position in DMV

Hi Black Beltway,

I hope this message finds you well. I have over three years of experience in project management and administrative support, and I am currently seeking a remote or hybrid position.I am looking for opportunities as a Project Manager, Administrative Assistant, Executive Assistant, or Project Coordinator.

I've been in search for a new position for almost a year.  I am eager to leverage my skills and experience to secure a new position quickly.

If you have any connections or leads, please let me know. I truly appreciate your assistance.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Warm regards, 

Chikwado Ibe

(240) 204-2880

(includes networking, job and other career sites)
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Read More :- "(Career Progress) Seeking Remote or Hybrid Assistant or Project Management Position in DMV"

(Career Progress) Business Development Officer Job Opening at Equimundo

Hi -- 

We're looking for a Business Development Officer at Equimundo.



May-Mei Lee

Operations Manager & HR Coordinator  she/her

Based in Washington, DC, USA

Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice


(includes networking, job and other career sites)
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Read More :- "(Career Progress) Business Development Officer Job Opening at Equimundo"

Tuesday 23 July 2024

[Unicum] Református istentisztelet

Kedves Testvérek!

Magyar nyelvű, református istentiszteletre hivunk és várunk mindenkit most vasárnap, 2024. július 28-án 11 órakor a Wesley Seminary Oxnam kápolnájában (4500 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC 20016).

Az istentisztelet ideje alatt a gyerekek a vasárnapi iskola foglalkozásán vehetnek részt, utána pedig kicsinyeket és nagyokat várunk a szeretetvendégségre.

Akik személyesen nem tudnak részt venni, a Zoom segítségével kapcsolódhatnak be. Az ehhez szükséges linket szombaton küldjük ki.

Testvéri szeretettel,

Mayer Judit, Lelkész

Read More :- "[Unicum] Református istentisztelet"

[Unicum] Szálláskeresés ösztöndíjasok részére


Tisztelt Unicum Levelezőlista!



Magyarország Nagykövetsége három szálláslehetőséget keres magyarországi ösztöndíjasok részére, akik


2024. augusztus 15-e és október 15 (1 lány)

2024. augusztus 30-a és november 30-a közötti (1 fiú és 1 lány)


időszakra szeretnének albérletet találni, ahonnan elérhető washingtoni kutatói, gyakornoki munkahelyük.


Amennyiben valaki szívesen biztosítana albérletet az egy-egy ösztöndíjasunknak, kérem tisztelettel 2024. július 30-ig vegye fel velem a kapcsolatot.



Dear All,


The Embassy of Hungary is looking for three accommodation options for fellows from Hungary who would like to find rental places for the following periods:

  • From August 15 to October 15, 2024 (1 girl)
  • From August 30 to November 30, 2024 (1 boy and 1 girl)

The accommodations should be accessible to their research or internship sites in Washington, D.C.

If anyone is willing to provide rental accommodation for one of our fellows, please kindly contact me by July 30, 2024.



Köszönettel és tisztelettel:


Zsuzsanna Fekete

Diaspora Affairs







Read More :- "[Unicum] Szálláskeresés ösztöndíjasok részére"

Monday 22 July 2024

[Unicum] Hungarian Language Conversation Group Events for August!


Remélem jól vagytok, mindenki! Yana vagyok, és egy magyar nyelvvel és kultúrával foglalkozó találkozócsoportot vezetek. Íme a meetup csoport közelgő eseményei!

Hope you are all well. I'm Yana, and I host a meetup group for Hungarian language and culture. Here are the upcoming events for the meetup group!

Havi 2x egy magyar beszélgetős rendezvény van online. A magyar nyelv minden szintjét szeretettel várjuk! Csatlakozzon hozzánk egy élénk beszélgetésre, miközben együtt gyakoroljuk ezt a gyönyörű nyelvet.

I host a Hungarian conversation event 2x a month online. All levels of Hungarian are welcome! Join us for a lively discussion as we practice this beautiful language together.

Monday, Aug. 5, 2024
7-8 PM online

*in-person* Hungarian conversation group
Sunday, Aug. 18, 2024
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Twisted Savory and Sweet
626 Grant St STE F, Herndon, VA 20170

Találkozunk személyesen a Twisted nevű hangulatos herndoni pékségben és kávézóban, ahol lehet kapni finom kürtőskalácsokat (és kürtőskalács szendvicseket!) és kávét. Csodálatos lehetőség ez arra, hogy kapcsolatot teremtsünk magyar előadókkal, megosszuk történeteiket, és együtt ünnepeljük Magyarország gazdag kultúráját és hagyományait. Akár anyanyelvi beszélő, akár egyszerűen csak érdeklődik a magyar nyelv és kultúra iránt, gyere el hozzánk a barátságért, a nevetésért és a kürtőskalács édes ízéért. Remélem ott találkozunk!

We will meet in person at a charming bakery and café in Herndon called Twisted, where we'll enjoy delicious chimney cakes (and chimney cake sandwiches!) and coffee. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow Hungarian speakers, share stories, and celebrate the rich culture and traditions of Hungary together. Whether you're a native speaker or simply interested in the Hungarian language and culture, come join us for friendship, laughter, and the sweet taste of chimney cakes. Hope to see you there!

(Az RSVP-kért kérjük, regisztráljon itt a oldalon)
(Taking RSVPS through the site)


Feliratkozas emailen
Azért kapta ezt az üzenetet, mert feliratkozott a Google Csoportok „Unicum" csoportjára.
Az erről a csoportról és az ahhoz kapcsolódó e-mailekről való leiratkozáshoz küldjön egy e-amailt a(z) címre.
Ha szeretné megtekinteni ezt a beszélgetést az interneten, látogasson el ide:
Read More :- "[Unicum] Hungarian Language Conversation Group Events for August!"

GALVANIZE: Casting Notice: Seeking Non-Union Talent for Local Hospital Shoot

Subject: Casting Notice: Seeking Non-Union Talent for Local Hospital Shoot

View this email in your browser
Casting Notice: 
Seeking Non-Union,
Non Speaking Talent
Local Hospital Shoot

Project Description: Local Philadelphia Hospital shoot

Seeking: (All Roles Non Speaking)
  • Patient Role 1: Male, Caucasian, age 28-35, expressive features, may look a bit older than he is. Not glamorous, definitely lead a rough life. 
  • Patient Role 2: Male, Any Ethnicity, age 43-57, salt and pepper or graying hair, heavier set but not obese.  
  • Patient Role 3: Female, Any Ethnicity, age 33-42, tired. Seriously, tired. Slender, longer hair, flexible with ethnicity but maybe darker features (hair, eyes, skin color)
  • Patient Role 4: African American male, age 48-65, slim physique, fit but not an athlete, on the shorter side, salt and pepper hair. 

Rate: Roles 1 through 3, 5 hours - $450; Role 4, 2.5 hours - $350

Shoot Date: Monday, July 29, 2024

Location: Suburban Philadelphia, PA

Internet, website, social media

Term: 2 yrs Usage 

 Send all details listed below by 
Wednesday, July 24th by 10am:

You MUST include all of the following information or you will NOT be considered!

  • Name
  • Specify which role in subject line of your email, please!
  • Recent Digitals - casual attire: 1 close up, 1 full body shot (NO hats or sunglasses) 
  • Cell phone #
  • Email Address 
  • Home ZIP CODE - you MUST be Local to Philadelphia - Do not submit if you live more than 1 hour from Philadelphia unless you have family/friends to stay with in the area
  • Union status: MUST be Non-Union
  • Please note: we are working primarily through talent agents. Please note if you are with one. 

Submit your application to:
Submit Here
Want more job opportunities? SUBSCRIBE HERE
Please share the link to this post on Facebook! Click HERE to get the link

If you are with an Agent or Manager, run this by them! 
KWC does NOT give permission for this casting notice to be posted on other (paid) sites, doing so may result in legal action. 

Do not call or contact Kathy Wickline Casting regarding this posting!

Read More :- "GALVANIZE: Casting Notice: Seeking Non-Union Talent for Local Hospital Shoot"