Saturday 31 August 2024

[Unicum] KEZDŐDIK A TANĺTÁS: Magyar Iskola / First class of Hungarian Academy 2024/25 - September 14, 2022 4pm, Falls Church Presbyterian Church

Két hét múlva kezdődik a washingtoni Magyar Iskola 2024/25-es tanéve.

Várunk minden magyarul tanulni akaró 3  és 14  év közötti gyereket szombatonszeptember 14- én délután 4 órakor a Falls Church Presbyterian Churchben, 225 E Broad St, Falls Church, VA 22046.

BEIRATKOZÁS: szombat, szeptember 14- én, délután fél 4-kor a Falls Church Presbyterian Churchben.

Tanítási napok: 9/14/24, 9/28/24, 10/12/24, 10/19/24, 11/2/24, 11/16/24, 12/7/24 (Mikulas), 1/11/25, 1/24/25, 2/1/25, 2/8/25, 2/22/25 (Farsang), 3/8/25, 3/15/25, 3/29/25, 4/12/25, 5/3/25, 5/17/25

Magyar Iskola a lelkes szülők önkéntes munkájának eredménye, szükségünk van a szülők aktív részvételére. Nagy szükségünk van tanarokra! Kérünk benneteket, hogy jelentkezzetek a munkakat segiteni es az új generációnak magyar kulturankat es nyelvunket átadni!

A jelentkezéseket a emailre várjuk a gyerek(ek) nevével, életkorával, a szülők nevével es telefonszámával, email címével együtt vagy a website-on BEIRATKOZAS.

További informácio:

Szeretettel várjuk az érdeklődőket!


The  first day of school of the 2024/25 school year at the Hungarian Academy will be in two weeks!

We are inviting students between ages 3 and 14 years who like to learn Hungarian to join us on Saturday, September 14th, 4pm at the Falls Church Presbyterian Churchben, 225 E Broad St, Falls Church, VA 22046.

REGISTRATION: Saturday, September 14th, 3:30pm @Falls Church Presbyterian Church

Class dates: 9/14/24, 9/28/24, 10/12/24, 10/19/24, 11/2/24, 11/16/24, 12/7/24, 1/11/25, 1/24/25, 2/1/25, 2/8/25, 2/22/25, 3/8/25, 3/15/25, 3/29/25, 4/12/25, 5/3/25, 5/17/25

The Hungarian Academy is a result of the efforts of hard working volunteer parents, we need your support. We really need new teachers! Please let us know if you want to help us if you can help our efforts introducing the new generation to Hungarian culture and language. 

Please send an email if you are interested, please include the name of child(ren), age, parents name and contact information or sign up online.

For more information please visit our website:

We are looking forward to seeing you! 

Magyar Iskola / Hungarian Academy

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Read More :- "[Unicum] KEZDŐDIK A TANĺTÁS: Magyar Iskola / First class of Hungarian Academy 2024/25 - September 14, 2022 4pm, Falls Church Presbyterian Church"

Friday 30 August 2024

Re: [Unicum] foci dc

Szia Áron!

Mi az átlag életkor és hol vannak az edzések?


Eszter Szabo

On Aug 30, 2024, at 12:18, Aron <> wrote:


DCben szervezek egy kispályás foci csapatot csütörtök esténként. 

Van hely még egy vagy két jó játékosnak. A csapat 7v7 ligában játszik kb kézilabda méretű pályán, a liga neve District Sports. A csapat Hungaria néven játszik, de a csapat több mint fele amerikai szokott lenni. Alacsony ligában játszunk, és a 7 játékosbol 2nek lánynak kell lennie, szoval fiukat és lányok is jelentkezhetnek. 

Az ősszi szezon hamarosan kezdődik, ha érdekel jelentkezz nálam. 


English: Hungarian small sided soccer team looking for 1-2 new players for the Fall season. We play 7v7 small field. League is called District Sports. Half the team is Hungarian other half American. Games are thursday nights starting mid September. It's a coed league so girls or guys are welcome. Thank you. 


Feliratkozas emailen
Azért kapta ezt az üzenetet, mert feliratkozott a Google Csoportok „Unicum" csoportjára.
Az erről a csoportról és az ahhoz kapcsolódó e-mailekről való leiratkozáshoz küldjön egy e-amailt a(z) címre.
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Read More :- "Re: [Unicum] foci dc"

Re: [Unicum] foci dc

Szia Áron, remélem jól vagy. Hol lesznek a meccsek?
Dorotovics Szabi

From: <> on behalf of Aron <>
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2024 9:56 AM
To: <>
Subject: [Unicum] foci dc

DCben szervezek egy kispályás foci csapatot csütörtök esténként. 

Van hely még egy vagy két jó játékosnak. A csapat 7v7 ligában játszik kb kézilabda méretű pályán, a liga neve District Sports. A csapat Hungaria néven játszik, de a csapat több mint fele amerikai szokott lenni. Alacsony ligában játszunk, és a 7 játékosbol 2nek lánynak kell lennie, szoval fiukat és lányok is jelentkezhetnek. 

Az ősszi szezon hamarosan kezdődik, ha érdekel jelentkezz nálam. 


English: Hungarian small sided soccer team looking for 1-2 new players for the Fall season. We play 7v7 small field. League is called District Sports. Half the team is Hungarian other half American. Games are thursday nights starting mid September. It's a coed league so girls or guys are welcome. Thank you. 


Feliratkozas emailen
Azért kapta ezt az üzenetet, mert feliratkozott a Google Csoportok „Unicum" csoportjára.
Az erről a csoportról és az ahhoz kapcsolódó e-mailekről való leiratkozáshoz küldjön egy e-amailt a(z) címre.
Ha szeretné megtekinteni ezt a beszélgetést az interneten, látogasson el ide:
Read More :- "Re: [Unicum] foci dc"

[Unicum] foci dc


DCben szervezek egy kispályás foci csapatot csütörtök esténként. 

Van hely még egy vagy két jó játékosnak. A csapat 7v7 ligában játszik kb kézilabda méretű pályán, a liga neve District Sports. A csapat Hungaria néven játszik, de a csapat több mint fele amerikai szokott lenni. Alacsony ligában játszunk, és a 7 játékosbol 2nek lánynak kell lennie, szoval fiukat és lányok is jelentkezhetnek. 

Az ősszi szezon hamarosan kezdődik, ha érdekel jelentkezz nálam. 


English: Hungarian small sided soccer team looking for 1-2 new players for the Fall season. We play 7v7 small field. League is called District Sports. Half the team is Hungarian other half American. Games are thursday nights starting mid September. It's a coed league so girls or guys are welcome. Thank you. 


Feliratkozas emailen
Azért kapta ezt az üzenetet, mert feliratkozott a Google Csoportok „Unicum" csoportjára.
Az erről a csoportról és az ahhoz kapcsolódó e-mailekről való leiratkozáshoz küldjön egy e-amailt a(z) címre.
Ha szeretné megtekinteni ezt a beszélgetést az interneten, látogasson el ide:
Read More :- "[Unicum] foci dc"

Wednesday 28 August 2024

GALVANIZE: Extras Needed for TARGET Commercial

Subject: Extras Needed for TARGET Commercial

Non Union Extras

Needed for TARGET Commercial

 Job Details:

Dates: Must be available Sept 5 and 6 (likely one day per talent)
Time: 12 Hour Day
Rate: Full Day $240 (take home rate after fees)
Looking for local hires in DC only

Location: DC


Can Portray:

18-40 Years Old

All Ethnicities and Genders

PLEASE SUBMIT Headshot, Digital, Resume to if you are available for the dates!

The subject line of the email should read: "TARGET Commercial"


Wednesday, August 28 at 12:00 PM!

 Any submissions sent directly to our staff will not be taken into consideration!!!

Please do not send this eblast along with your submission. 



Email submissions with no photo attachments, 

no information and/or incorrect subject line  headings will be disregarded.

Read More :- "GALVANIZE: Extras Needed for TARGET Commercial"

Re: (Career Progress) [Job] Software Engineer at Catalist

Sorry all - correct link for the Software Engineer opening here:

Melody Fassino | she/her/hers
Director of People & Culture | Catalist
Mobile 202-666-9413 |

On Wed, Aug 28, 2024 at 3:37 PM Melody Fassino <> wrote:
Hi Everyone,

We're looking to fill a Software Engineer position on our Technology Development team at Catalist. We encourage you to share this opening with anyone that you think might be interested!

Software Engineer
We are seeking a skilled Software Engineer with experience in Java and Python to join our dynamic team. As a Software Engineer, you will play a crucial role in maintaining, improving, and deploying Catalist's in house software solutions leveraging Java, Python, and Hadoop technologies.

For information on our Software Engineer role, and to submit an application, please visit the job posting here:

Melody Fassino | she/her/hers
Director of People & Culture | Catalist
Mobile 202-666-9413 |

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(Career Progress) [Job] Software Engineer at Catalist

Hi Everyone,

We're looking to fill a Software Engineer position on our Technology Development team at Catalist. We encourage you to share this opening with anyone that you think might be interested!

Software Engineer
We are seeking a skilled Software Engineer with experience in Java and Python to join our dynamic team. As a Software Engineer, you will play a crucial role in maintaining, improving, and deploying Catalist's in house software solutions leveraging Java, Python, and Hadoop technologies.

For information on our Software Engineer role, and to submit an application, please visit the job posting here:

Melody Fassino | she/her/hers
Director of People & Culture | Catalist
Mobile 202-666-9413 |

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Read More :- "(Career Progress) [Job] Software Engineer at Catalist"

[Unicum] Bogrács eladó

Kedves Unicum csoport!

Költözés miatt bogrács felszerelésünk eladóvá vált.
A bogrács 30 literes (kb 20 főre elég), sok finom gulyás és pörkölt főt benne. Magyarországon készült, New York-ban vásároltam. Tartozik hozzá állvány és Erdélyből származó fakanál is.
Kizárólag személyesen lehet átvenni Pikesville, MD -ben, nem tudom postázni.

További részletek itt találhatóak:

Amennyiben valakinek felkeltette az érdeklődését kérem csak nekem válaszoljon reply-all helyett.
First come, first served.

Read More :- "[Unicum] Bogrács eladó"

Sunday 25 August 2024

GALVANIZE: Ghost Bar - Hiring Bartenders & Hosts

Hello Artists, 

I am currently seeking bar managers, bartenders, and hosts for a new pop-up Halloween bar that will be opening in October in Union Market in DC. 

If you have experience and are interested, please submit at

Thank you!


EDWARD DANIELS | AEA | | IMDB: Profile@EdwardDaniels 

Scorpio Entertainment | CEO | | @ScorpioDJs

Monologue Madness | Producer | | @MonologueMad

Desk: 202-536-4495, Tues-Fri, 10am-4pm
Read More :- "GALVANIZE: Ghost Bar - Hiring Bartenders & Hosts"

[Unicum] Református istentisztelet ma

Kedves Testvérek!

Emlékeztetőül küldöm a meghivót mai, magyar nyelvű református istentiszteletünkre 11.00 órakor a Wesley Seminary Oxnam kápolnájába (4500 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington DC 20016). Az istentisztelet ideje alatt a gyermekek a vasárnapi iskola foglalkozásán vehetnek részt, utána pedig kicsinyeket és nagyokat várunk a szeretetvendégségre.

Jöjjünk és hivogassunk másokat is Isten Igéjének hallására.

Mayer Judit, lelkész

Aki személyesen nem tud részt venni, az alábbi link segítségével kapcsolódhat be.
Egyben küldöm az Egyházi Látogató e havi számát is.

Read More :- "[Unicum] Református istentisztelet ma"

Friday 23 August 2024

[Unicum] Chicago-i lakhatást keresünk fiamnak / Looking for short term rental for my son

Kedves Chicago-i magyarok,

Chicago-ban pályakezdő mérnökként dolgozó fiamnak, Zsombornak, van szüksége rövid távú lakhatásra Chicago északi/északnyugati részén. Evanston vagy környéke különösen jó lenne, de rugalmas. 

A szállásra körülbelül január közepéig van szüksége, akkor várhatóan a cége Európába helyezi dolgozni. 

Nincs semmi extra igénye, egy szoba, fürdőszoba, konyha lehet közös használatú. Zsombor nyugodt, csendes srác. Autója van, ezért a parkolási lehetőség fontos csak. 

Kérjük, akinek van szabad szobája, amit néhány hónapra tud nélkülözni, kiadni, keressen engem személyesen az email címemen. 

Előre is köszönettel és üdvözlettel a remek Chicago-i magyaroknak,

Szemerkényi Réka

Ferencz Zsombor

Dear Hungarians in Chicago, 

My son, Zsombor, who works as a junior engineer in Chicago, needs short-term housing in the north/northwest part of Chicago. Evanston or the surrounding area would be especially great for him, but he is flexible.

He needs the accommodation until about mid-January, when his company is expected to send him to work in Europe. 

He does not need anything extra, just a room, but bathroom and kitchen can be shared. Zsombor is a quiet guy. 

He has a car, so the possibility of parking is important. 

If you have a spare room that you can rent out for a few months, please contact me personally at my email address. 

Thanks in advance and greetings to all the great Hungarians I know in Chicago,

Szemerkényi Réka

Ferencz Zsombor

Amb. (ret.) Dr. Reka Szemerkenyi
Non-resident Senior Fellow, IRI, Washington DC
Senior Advisor, Equilibrium Institute, Budapest
Cell: +1-202-631-7572

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Azért kapta ezt az üzenetet, mert feliratkozott a Google Csoportok „Unicum" csoportjára.
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Ha szeretné megtekinteni ezt a beszélgetést az interneten, látogasson el ide:
Read More :- "[Unicum] Chicago-i lakhatást keresünk fiamnak / Looking for short term rental for my son"

(Career Progress) HIRING: Finance and Accounting Associate

Civic Nation is seeking a Finance and Accounting Associate to support the financial and accounting operations of this fast paced mission driven organization. This role is critical in managing accounts payable, credit card programs, and ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of financial transactions. The Associate will work closely with the Senior Accounting Manager on account reconciliations and collaborate with the Grants and Finance Associate on analyzing and updating account allocations, as well as producing management reports. This position is an integral part of the Finance & Accounting team and reports directly to the Chief Financial Officer. Occasional evening or weekend work may be required. Limited travel may be necessary for training or professional development.


The Finance & Accounting Department is responsible for ensuring the efficient financial management and controls necessary to support all business activities. Financial accounting and systems, budgeting, management accounting, treasury and financial planning, and supporting the organizational strategy are essential functions to ensure the financial solvency of Civic Nation. The Finance & Accounting Department prepares and processes salaries paid to employees, records transactions and makes reports to the organization's board, management, and funders. In addition, this department ensures the organization complies with applicable rules and policies, both internal and external. 


Civic Nation is a nonprofit ecosystem for high-impact organizing and education initiatives working to build a more inclusive and equitable America. Civic Nation shifts culture, systems, and policy by bringing together individuals, grassroots organizers, industry leaders and influencers to tackle some of our nation's most pressing social challenges. Civic Nation is home to seven national initiatives and campaigns: ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, Change Collective, It's On Us, Online for All, SAVE On Student Debt, We The Action, and When We All Vote. 


  1. Accounts Payable Management:
    • Process vendor invoices/bills and ensure timely payments.
    • Record and verify expense reports.
    • Maintain vendor records and resolve any discrepancies.
    • Monitor due dates to ensure bills are paid promptly.
    • Prepare and file 1099s with the IRS
    • Provide training and support to staff on the bill payment process.
  2. Credit Card Program Management:
    • Oversee the organization's credit card program.
    • Ensure compliance with credit card policies and procedures.
    • Reconcile credit card statements and resolve any discrepancies.
    • Provide training and support to staff on credit card usage.
  3. Account Reconciliations:
    • Assist the Senior Accounting Manager with monthly and year-end account reconciliations.
    • Investigate and resolve any discrepancies in a timely manner.
  4. Financial Analysis and Reporting:
    • Work with the Grants and Finance Associate to analyze account allocations.
    • Update financial data and produce management reports.
    • Provide analytical support for financial decision-making processes.
  5. Customer Service:
    • Serve as a point of contact for Civic Nation's staff on finance-related inquiries.
    • Provide excellent customer service to internal and external stakeholders.
    • Resolve any issues or concerns promptly and effectively.
  6. Process Improvement:
    • Actively participate with the Finance team to identify opportunities for process improvements in financial operations.
    • Implement best practices to enhance efficiency and accuracy.
    • Assist in developing and documenting standard operating procedures as well as developing toolkits and training materials for staff.
  7. Writing and Documentation:
    • Prepare clear and concise financial reports, schedules and supporting documentation.
    • Assist in the preparation of grant reports and financial statements.
    • Ensure accurate and thorough record-keeping.


  • 2+ years of experience in finance, accounting, economics, or other related fields, preferably in a nonprofit organization.
  • Demonstrated experience in accounting software such as QuickBooks
  • Demonstrated experience with accounts payable and credit card program management.


  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Strong writing skills for clear and effective documentation.
  • Excellent customer service and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to listen, comprehend, and connect with a diverse group of individuals at all levels and in all corners of the organizational structure. 
  • Ability to work collaboratively and communicate effectively with team members and stakeholders.
  • Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks and meet deadlines.
  • Comfortable in independent project work and frequent fluctuations in workload.


The Washington, DC-based salary range for this position is $60,000 to $70,000 (will be adjusted for cost of labor for the incumbent's work location) annually, commensurate with experience. Our comprehensive benefits plan includes 100% employer-paid health, dental, and vision insurance for employees, flexible paid time off, paid family & medical leave, access to a 401k plan, and more.


Candidates can expect the following hiring process and timeline (please note that this timeline may be subject to change):  

  • Week of September 4: Candidate Reviews begin
  • Week of September 9: Initial Screening Calls 
  • September 18-20: First round of interviews
  • September 23-25: Second round of interviews
  • September 27: Final decision and offer

All candidates will be notified via email of the status of their application on or before the completion of the search.


To apply, submit a cover letter and resume through our Careers page. The cover letter, addressed to the Chief Financial Officer, should be concise, compelling, and include why you would like to work for Civic Nation. Applications will be accepted until September 3rd. 

At Civic Nation, diversity, equity, and inclusion are directly aligned with the fundamental belief that people are inherently capable but often lack opportunity. We know that a diverse workforce allows us to see problems in more nuanced ways, creating the thought leadership needed to fulfill our mission and reach our goals. Civic Nation is an equal-opportunity employer and welcomes people from all backgrounds, experiences, abilities, and perspectives to apply.

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Read More :- "(Career Progress) HIRING: Finance and Accounting Associate"

Thursday 22 August 2024

[Unicum] Református istentisztelet

Kedves Testvérek!

Szeretettel hivunk mindenkit református, magyar nyelvű istentiszteletre 20247. augusztus 25-én 11.00 órakor a Wesley Seminary Oxnam kápolnájába (4500 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington DC 20016). Az istentisztelet ideje alatt a gyermekek a vasárnapi iskola foglalkozásán vehetnek részt, utána pedig kicsinyeket és nagyokat várunk a szeretetvendégségre.

Jöjjünk és hivogassunk másokat is Isten Igéjének hallására.

Akik személyesen nem tudnak eljönni, az alábbi Zoom link segitségével kapcsolódhatnak be.

Mayer Judit, lelkész

Judit Mayer is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Istentisztelet
Time: Aug 25, 2024 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 876 1019 4603
Passcode: 731373

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Read More :- "[Unicum] Református istentisztelet"

Wednesday 21 August 2024

GALVANIZE: Invitation - Women's Symposium (Sat, Aug 25)

Good evening, all!

I'm hosting a women's symposium on Saturday, August 25 from 8 am - 4 pm. We have a hot breakfast and lunch.

If you know of a young Black female creative with an interest in STEAM, see if she would be interested in attending the event.

I have a few donated tickets and I'd love to gift them to a few young ladies who could benefit from the exposure.

Here is the link to the event and feel free to have them reach out to receive the code for the complimentary tickets.



He/she who takes a chance, who walks the line between the known and the unknown, who is unafraid of failure, will succeed. - Gordon Parks

May every day be the beginning of an endless self discovery and adventure......whether you like it or not. Embrace it and soar!     - H. Taha

Film Projects:
Her Voice: Charlayne Hunter-Gault
Status: Postproduction 

Director: Carletta S. Hurt
Status: Pre-Production / R&D

Featuring Victoria Rowell / Starring Melan Perez
Streaming now on Tubi

Director/Producer: Carletta S. Hurt
Film Festival Circuit - Private Screenings

UMC and Days Ferry Production

Written and Directed by Victoria Rowell
Watch on ALLBLK or Amazon Prime!

Written and Directed by Karyn Langhorn Folan

Written by Jamelle Williams-Thomas and Danielle Mooney

gal`va`nize: to stimulate people into sudden activity; to provide a network for DC metropolitan theatre artists, specifically those of the African diaspora, in order to connect, support and encourage each other because "we are all far too beautiful to be so seen so little".

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