A general secular news list with posts and discussion of news and other media items related to atheist, church-state separation, effects of religion, etc. Archives are public and membership is not restricted. The list is maintained by District of Columbia Atheists, Inc UNICUM is a free, Hungarian and English language electronic program magazin serving the Metropolitan Washington area with dissemination of Hungarian cultural/social events, local news, announcements, concerns
Friday, 29 April 2016
[Unicum] DC Hungarian folk band or musician
Havas Judit elĆadĂłmƱvĂ©sz, irodalomtörtĂ©nĂ©sz felsĆfokĂș tanulmĂĄnyait az Eötvös LorĂĄnd TudomĂĄny-egyetem BölcsĂ©sz KarĂĄn magyar-könyvtĂĄr szakon vĂ©gezte. 1975 Ăłta elĆadĂłmƱvĂ©sz. 2003-ban PhD fokozatot szerzett az ELTE IrodalomtörtĂ©neti IntĂ©zetĂ©ben. BeszĂ©d-, Ă©nek Ă©s elĆadĂłmƱvĂ©szetet nagy magyar mƱvĂ©szektĆl tanult. Ăvek Ăłta az ELTE Alkalmazott IrodalomtudomĂĄnyi TanszĂ©kĂ©n Ă©s a Mai Magyar Nyelvi TanszĂ©ken oktat beszĂ©dkultĂșra-beszĂ©dmƱvelĂ©s tĂĄrgyat Ă©s irodalmat. A Magyar RĂĄdiĂł Ă©s a Duna TV szĂĄmĂĄra kĂ©szĂtett szĂĄmos elĆadĂĄst a magyar irodalomrĂłl. IrodalomtörtĂ©nĂ©szkĂ©nt Ă©s a magyar lĂra avatott tolmĂĄcsolĂłjakĂ©nt nem csak Budapesten Ă©s vidĂ©ken, hanem EurĂłpa szĂĄmos orszĂĄgĂĄban – CsehorszĂĄgban, FranciaorszĂĄgban, RomĂĄniĂĄban, SzlovĂĄkiĂĄban, NĂ©metorszĂĄgban, HollandiĂĄban, AngliĂĄban, a VajdasĂĄgban, KĂĄrpĂĄtaljĂĄn Ă©s Belgiumban, valamint Izraelben, KanadĂĄban, ArgentĂnĂĄban Ă©s az EgyesĂŒlt Ăllamokban is kĂ©pviselte a magyar irodalmat Ă©s kultĂșrĂĄt. Az elĆadĂĄson nagy magyar költĆk mƱveibĆl ad elĆ egy kĂŒlönös vĂĄlogatĂĄst.
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Wednesday, 27 April 2016
(Career Progress) CAREER FAIR: We Invite You to Attend #GAINJobs2016 on 05/09!
Are you tired of sending out 100's of resumes to info@ email accounts never to hear back from employers? We feel your pain and invite you to join us at our upcoming Career Fair on Monday, May 9th from 12pm - 4pm at the National Education Association - 1201 16th Street NW DC. Please RSVP today: #GAINJobs2016.
Nothing beats meeting employers in person - and you'll be able to do that at our Career Fair! We will also have career counselors on site to review your resume and provide tips on how to improve it. In addition, by attending, we'll add your resume to our resume book and share it with our partners who are looking for talent.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us Travis at travis@democraticgain.org.
Hope to see you there!
-Team Democratic GAIN
(includes networking, job and other career sites)
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Tuesday, 26 April 2016
[Unicum] zene tanart keresunk
Sunday, 24 April 2016
[Unicum] SAVE THE DATE! Rozsafa Ensemble performance
Come and see a beautiful dance and music performance by talented Hungarian-American children. Show starts at 4:00 pm. Reception after the show.
Marymount University
Reinsch Auditorium
2807 N Glebe Rd
Arlington, VA 22207
Tickets can be purchased online only. No tickets will be sold at the door: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XYL5CSVSXD6NC
Free for children under 12. (When purchasing tickets please indicate the number of children - under 12 - in the note field).
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
[Unicum] Hungarian Architect - Correction
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Tuesday, 19 April 2016
[Unicum] Hungarian Architect
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Monday, 18 April 2016
Looking for an awesome internship? Come join the Democratic Party of Virginia: www.vademocrats.org/intern2016
Feel free to share with anyone who might be interested!
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Sunday, 17 April 2016
[Unicum] Hungarian Conference in the DC Area
All are welcome to this Conference on Hungarian Studies. Program is attached, and you can register via this form or at www.ahea.net. The web address will also give you a better copy of the conference.
American Hungarian Educators Association 41st Annual Conference, 28-30 April 2016 University of Maryland ― College Park Marriott Hotel & Conference Center
Conference Program
Thursday, April 28, 2016 All events will be at the College Park Marriott Hotel & Conference Center 3501 University Blvd. East, Hyattsville, MD 20783
6.00 - 7.00 pm – Registration 7.00 - 8.30 pm – Film BURDOSHĂZ AMERIKĂBĂL: Balogh BalĂĄzs nĂ©prajzkutatĂł nyomĂĄban (English subtitles) A film a magyar emigrĂĄnsok nehĂ©z Ă©letĂ©t mutatja be egy pennsylvaniai magyar bĂĄnyĂĄsztelepĂŒlĂ©sen, Vintondale-ben, az ott összegyƱjtött tĂĄrgyi emlĂ©keken Ă©s a rekonstruĂĄlt burdoshĂĄzon (bĂĄnyĂĄsz fĂ©rfiaknak fenntartott szemĂ©lyenkĂ©nti fĂ©lnapos ĂĄgybĂ©rletet nyĂșjtĂł panziĂłn) keresztĂŒl. A telepĂŒlĂ©s egykoron jelentĆs lĂ©lekszĂĄmĂș magyar lakossĂĄga elsĆsorban a Bereg megyei BĂĄtyubĂłl szĂĄrmazik. Bagu BalĂĄzs falutĂĄrsaival az agrĂĄrnyomor elĆl tĂĄntorgott ki AmerikĂĄba, majd a nyugat-pennsylvaniai bĂĄnyavidĂ©k vilĂĄgtĂłl elzĂĄrt kis telepĂ©n Ă©jjel-nappal az aknĂĄkban görnyedve, centet centre rakva vĂĄsĂĄrolt egy burdoshĂĄzat. A vilĂĄggazdasĂĄgi vĂĄlsĂĄg következtĂ©ben a bĂĄnya bezĂĄrt. A lakossĂĄg többsĂ©ge nem tudott visszatĂ©rni a szĂŒlĆföldre Ă©s szĂ©tszĂłrĂłdott. A film egy csalĂĄdtörtĂ©neten keresztĂŒl – mint cseppben a tengert – igyekszik bemutatni az amerikai magyarok elsĆ nemzedĂ©kĂ©nek Ă©letvilĂĄgĂĄt.
Discussion led by KĂĄlmĂĄn Magyar, American Hungarian Folklore Centrum
8.30-9.30 pm – Wine and cheese reception
Friday, 29 April 29 2016
8.00 Registration 9.0010.00 am Keynote address: Peter Pastor. Montclair State University. "The Arrival of Hungarian Refugees to the United States in 1956-1957." 10.00 COFFEE BREAK Room 1 Room 2 10.30 12.00 Opening Doors for Refugees- History of 1956 Language and Teaching Hungarian Chair: Peter Pastor Chair: Ăgnes HuszĂĄr VĂĄrdy Niessen, James P. Rutgers U., Opening the Door for Refugees: The Decision to Accept 56ers in Switzerland, Israel, Canada, and the US Parapatics, Andrea. U. of Pannonia. Regional Language Features – Attitudes and Their Effects on Mother Tongue Education in Hungary DeĂĄk, NĂłra. ELTE SEAS Library. Operation Mercy – Hungarian Refugee Resettlement Mission: Not Impossible Varga, ValĂ©ria. Indiana U. Approaches to Grammar Teaching in Hungarian Language Instruction LĂĄzĂĄr, George. Independent Scholar. The "Forgotten Generation" - Hungarian refugees in the US 1960-1989 Havas, Judit. PetĆfi Irodalmi MĂșzeum, Budapest. A mƱvĂ©szi beszĂ©d oktatĂĄsa Ă©s felhasznĂĄlĂĄsĂĄnak lehetĆsĂ©gei a gyakorlatban.
12:00 LUNCH (on your own) 1:00- 2:30 Literature in the 20th century Immigration History of the 20th century Chair: EnikĆ MolnĂĄr Basa Chair: James P. Niessen Sohar, Paul. Independent Scholar. The Birth of Modern Hungarian Poetry Poznan, Kristina. Coll. of William & Mary. Emigration in the Aftermath of the Trianon Treaty and the US Immigration Restrictions Act MĂĄtyĂĄs, DĂ©nes. Cleveland State University. SĂĄndor MĂĄrai and the Emigration in Funeral Oration FĂŒlöp, MihĂĄly. National U. of Public Service. (Nemzeti KözszolgĂĄlati Egyetem) The Great Powers and the Forced Transfer of Hungarians
Freifeld, Alice. U. of Florida, Gainesville. Hungarian Infiltrees: Mass Migration 1945-48
Pataky, Adrienn. ELTE BTK. IstvĂĄn Lakatos and 1956
Stark, TamĂĄs. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Center for Humanities. Hungary and the Refugee Question, 1914 – 2015
2.30- 3.00
Hungarian Immigrants Giving Back Music and Arts Chair: DĂ©nes MĂĄtyĂĄs Chair: KĂĄlmĂĄn Magyar Pigniczky, RĂ©ka and Andrea Lauer. Independent filmmakers. Recording Visual Histories of Hungarian American Immigrants Arriving after WWII and 1956 Kim, Hyun Joo. Indiana U. Interpretive Fidelity to Gypsy Creativity: Liszt's Representations of Hungarian-Gypsy Cimbalom Playing Medalis, Christopher. Institute of International Education (IIE). An Immigrant Gives Back: Andrew Romay's Support of New Immigrants in New York City Leafstedt, Carl. Trinity U. High Stakes Cultural Politics: The Cold War and the New York BartĂłk Estate in the 1950s KomlĂłdi, Anita. U. of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). Talent Migration: Trends and Personal Experiences in Transatlantic Researcher Mobility Papp, Susan M. U. of Toronto. The Politics of Exclusion: The Hungarian Theatrical Arts and Film Arts Chamber, 19391945 6.30 pm Reception at the Hungarian Embassy jointly with the Fulbright Commission. 3910 Shoemaker St NW, Washington, DC 20008.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
9.00- 10 am
10.00- 10:30 am
10.30 12.00 am
Visual Arts New Tools of Learning about Hungarian History Chair: NĂłra DeĂĄk Chair: Kristina Poznan Szpura, Beata. Queensborough Community College. CsontvĂĄry - The Master of Mystical Ambiguities and of Light KovĂĄcs, Ilona. Hungarian National Library (OSzK). Contribution of American Public Library Service to Integration and Assimilation of Hungarian Immigrants between 1890 and 1940. Sources, statistical information and methods not identified for immigrant studies. Fabos, Bettina. U. of Northern Iowa and Waters, Leslie. Coll. of William & Mary. Interactive Photo-History Project On Rural Hungarian Life, 20AD-1956 Bern, Andrea. ELTE. The Horthy Archive: Unpublished Documents of the Horthy-Family from 1956 Corbett, Joyce Berczik. Independent Scholar. "A Considerable Degree of Beauty": Nickolas Muray's Photography Ruth Biro and Christina Levicky. Duquesne U.; Pine Trail Elementary School, Ormond Beach, Florida. Displaced Persons in the American Zone After the Hungarian Holocaust: Literature By, About, and For Youth in the USA. 12.00 LUNCH (on your own) 1.00-2.30 Hungarians in America The Story of Hungarian 56ers Chair: Kenneth Nyirady Chair: Susan Papp Bartfay, Arthur A. Independent Scholar. The History of Hungarian Life in Columbus, Ohio GĂĄti, Sally. Gati Productions. Independent Scholar. STARTING OVER IN AMERICA: The Story of the Hungarian 56ers Veizer, Keith. Independent Scholar. VeizerVizerWiezerWieser: The Granite City-Kompolt Connection Documentary of personal stories told by thirteen Hungarian refugees who came to the United States following their failed 1956 Revolution. Rajec, Elizabeth MolnĂĄr. Independent scholar, A 1956 Refugee Remembers (Documentary film, 56 min.) 2.30-3.00 COFFEE BREAK 3.00-4.30 Folklore Issues of National Identity Chair: Judith E. Olson Chair: EnikĆ M. Basa Csorba, Mrea. U. of Pittsburgh. Analyzing Agency of Iron Age Migrants in Construction of the Hungary's Golden Stag Plaques Hargitai, Peter J. Florida International U. Inclusion and Exclusion: A Lesson From the Hungarian Revolution TyeklĂĄr, NĂłra. The U. of Texas at Austin. SzĂ©gyelld Magad OrbĂĄn!: The poetics of oratory in a performance of Romani Hungarian nationbuilding Documentary film:GĂĄti, Sally. Gati Productions. Independent Scholar. Traditions for Sale - MatyĂł folk art and artists – film (50 min.)
6.30 pm
BANQUET at the Conference Center. Program: Audio-visual presentation by Judit Havas, A séta (Kivetettség kérdése Földes Måria regénye nyomån, filmbejåtszåssal.)
Conference program Committee
Cultural Studies: Louise O. Vasvari, Stony Brook University & New York University. Education: Judith KesserƱ NĂ©methy, New York University. History: Julia Bock, Long Island University Brooklyn, and Peter Pastor, Montclair State University. Literature: EnikĆ M. Basa, Library of Congress. Music/Folklore: KĂĄlmĂĄn Magyar and Judith Olson, American Hungarian Folklore Centrum, NJ. Science/Economics: Susan Glanz, St. John's University, NY.
Local Organizing Committee
EnikĆ M. Basa, Library of Congress Anita KomlĂłdi, University of Maryland Baltimore County KĂĄlmĂĄn Magyar, American Hungarian Folklore Centrum, NJ.
AHEA Governance
Officers 2016 - 2018: President: James P. Niessen, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Vice-President: Kenneth Nyirady, Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Secretary: KlĂĄra Papp, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. Treasurer: KĂĄlmĂĄn Magyar, American Hungarian Folklore Center, Passaic, New Jersey.
Advisory Board 2016-2018: Katalin KĂĄdĂĄr Lynn. Helena History Press, St. Helena, California. Helga Lenart-Chang, St. Mary's College of California, Moraga, California. Jeffrey Pennington, University of California, Berkeley, California. Immediate Past President: Julia Bock, Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus.
Ex Officio: AHEA Affiliate American Hungarian Folklore Centrum, Kålmån Magyar, Director. Ex Officio: Editor-in-Chief, Hungarian Cultural Studies, e-Journal of the AHEA, Louise O. Vasvåri, Stony Brook University & New York University. Ex Officio: AHEA Webmaster, Katalin Vörös, University of California, Berkeley.
Executive Director: EnikĆ M. Basa, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
The Executive Board of the Association is made up of the Officers, the Advisory Board, and the Executive Director.
AHEA 2016 Conference - Registration Form
American Hungarian Educators Association 41st Annual Conference
University of Maryland
College Park Marriott Hotel & Conference Center
28-30 April 2016
US/Canada attendees: please print this Registration Form and mail it completed with check, in USD payable to "AHEA", to Eniko Basa, 4515 Willard Ave. #2210, Chevy Chase, MD 20815, before 31 March 2016 (for early reg. fee).
European attendees: please email this Registration Form, as an attachment, to: eniko.basa@verizon.net, indicating that you will pay on-site at the conference in US currency. If you do it before 31 March, you will qualify for early registration.
Your Name______________________ Affiliation____________________
Home address:_______________City____________State_______ZIP________
Street: _______________________
Conference Registration Fee: before 31 March: $60, after 31 March: $65
All attendees must pay the Conference Registration Fee.
Movie guests: $5
Registration Fee:__________
AHEA Membership Dues for 2016: Individual $30,
Couples $50 Students $10, Retirees $10.
AHEA membership is required for all paper presenters and session chairs.
Membership Dues: Due:_____________
Optional donation to the AHEA Transylvanian scholarship fund $10 ________
Thursday, 28 April 7:00 PM – film, followed by a wine and cheese reception.
Free admission for all registrants, $5 for guests.
Please indicate your (and guests) attendance. Number attending ________
Optional programs – reservation required at registration:
Friday, 29 April 6:30 PM Reception at the Hungarian Embassy
Free for registrants. Please indicate the number attending _________
Saturday, 30 April 6:30 p.m. Banquet at the Conference Center
$70/person (no-host bar) No. of tickets _____ Total $ _________
Total due _______
Hotel Reservations are made directly at the College Park Marriott Hotel and Conference Center by clicking here, or on the AHEA website,
http://ahea.net/conferences/2016/location-room reservation
[Unicum] Hungartian Picnic
Mark the Date for the Spring Hungarian Picnic
Saturday May 21, 2016
3:00 pm to 700: p.m
Rock Creek Park Grove 1*
Held Rain or Shine–Covered Area
Hungarians in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area invite you and your friends to our semiannual picnic. Join us for an afternoon of fun, food, and music. (Bring soccer or volleyball, toys for the children).
For pictures and more information see: http://picnic.hungaria.org
Your ideas and support in organizing the picnic are appreciated. If you are interested in helping out send email to eniko.basa@verizon.net or szokolai@yahoo.com
There is no entrance fee but your tax-deductible contribution is welcome,. We suggest a donation of $5.00 (less for a large family, babies, toddlers free) to insure the continuation of the picnic. Pay on site in cash or check. Make checks payable to AHEA (American Hungarian Educators Association) and drop into the box at the picnic as with the cash, or send to: 4514 Willard Ave. #2210, Chevy Chase, MD 20815. In recent years costs for both food and reservations have increased, so we have been running a deficit. Donations guarantee the continuance of the picnics by providing the funds for subsequent ones.
*At the corner of Tilden and Shoemaker, Washington, DC; downhill from Van Ness Metro.
MeghĂvĂł Magyar Piknik!
Majus 21, Szombatg
D.u. 3-tĂłl 7-ig
Rock Creek Park az 1.sz Piknik Hely*
Megtartva ha esik is – a hely fedett
Washingtoni magyar fiatalok szeretettel meghĂvnak TĂ©ged Ă©s BarĂĄtaidat fĂ©lĂ©venkĂ©nti piknikjĂŒkre. ĂtelrĂ”l, italrĂłl Ă©s zenĂ©rĂ”l gondoskodunk. LabdĂĄkat, gyerekeknek jĂĄtĂ©kokat, hozzatok. Ătleteidet Ă©s segĂtsĂ©gedet örömmel vĂĄrjuk a piknik szervezĂ©sĂ©hez, ezeket kĂŒld a következĂ” cĂmekre: eniko.basa@verizon.net; vagy szokolai@yahoo.com
Képek és több informåció: http://picnic.hungaria.org
A piknik ingyenes, de adĂłbĂłl levonhatĂł tĂĄmogatĂĄsodat örömmel fogadjuk. AjĂĄnlott tĂĄmogatĂĄs: $5/ szemĂ©ly, kevesebb ha többen vagytok (harom eves alatt ingyen). Az adomĂĄnyok biztosĂtjĂĄk a következĂ” piknik költsĂ©geit. Csekkeket az American Hungarian Educators Association, vagy AHEA nĂ©vre kĂ©rjĂŒk kiĂĄllitani Ă©s a következĂ” cĂmre kĂŒldeni: AHEA 4515 Willard Ave #2210, Chevy Chase, MD 20815, illetve a helyszinen az adomĂĄnyos dobozba tehetitek. ElĂ”re is köszönjĂŒk.
Az utĂłbbi Ă©vekben minuszban vĂ©geztĂŒnk; a foglalĂĄs Ă©s az Ă©telek, stb. ĂĄra megy fel. A jövĆt csak az adomĂĄnyok biztosĂtjĂĄk.
*A Tilden Ă©s Shoemaker utcĂĄk keresztedĆsĂ©nĂ©l, (Washington, DC) a Van Ness Metro megĂĄllotĂłl dombrol lefĂ©lĂ©.
______________________________________________________ Directions: HelyszĂn
By car:
From the Beltway go South on MD 185 (Connecticut Ave), proceed South on Connecticut Ave. at Chevy Chase circle. Just after the UDC campus and the Van Ness Metro station, make a left onto Tilden Street, at the bottom of the hill make a right just before the bridge. You will see the Park. The street is Shoemaker, the Hungarian Consulate is on the right. (You can also look down Spring of Freedom Street and come to the same site, with Hungarian Embassy on your left.) There is a small parking lot, but also street parking on both Spring of Freedom and Shoemaker.
By metro:
Take the Red Line metro to the Van Ness - UDC station- after exiting the Red Line at Van Ness - UDC station, the escalators lead up to Connecticut Avenue, head South towards downtown on Connecticut. Pass Van Ness Street and traffic light, at the next traffic light turn left on to Tilden Street head all the way down on Tilden, but before you come across a little bridge and traffic light, turn right (to your left you will see The Rock Creek Gallery and the Pierce Mill, to your right you will find the Hungarian Embassy) the picnic area is across from it.
Lot 1 of Rock Creek park is across the street from the Hungarian Embassy. Map at yahoo maps:
Map of Rock Creek Park: look for the BLUE "1" by Pierce Mill:
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=3808958
Sunday, 10 April 2016
Dicsértessék a Jézus Krisztus!
SzentmisĂ©ink a hĂĄlaadĂĄs, dicsĆĂtĂ©s, imĂĄdsĂĄg, Krisztus körĂŒli közössĂ©g formĂĄlĂłdĂĄs alkalmai. Ennek szellemĂ©ben mindenkit szeretettel vĂĄrunk a szentmisĂ©nkre
ĂĄprilis 17-Ă©n 11 Ăłrai kezdettel
a SzeplĆtelen FogantatĂĄs Kegytemplom Bazilika Altemplom
MĂĄria SzeplĆtelen SzĂve kĂĄpolnĂĄba.
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Lower Church,
Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel.
400 Michigan Avenue NE Washington, D.C. 20064 ♥ 202/526-8300
Ăprilis 19-Ă©n d.u. 4 :30-kor
FĆtisztelendĆ Dr. CserhĂĄti Ferenc pĂŒspök Ășr szentmisĂ©t mutat be a
MĂĄria SzeplĆtelen SzĂve kĂĄpolnĂĄban, majd meglĂĄtogatja az Ășj
Magyarok Nagyasszonya KĂĄpolnĂĄt.
Szeretettel vårunk mindenkit a szentmise utåni agapéra a Caldwell Hallba.
Minden hĂłnap elsĆ pĂ©ntekĂ©n
rĂłzsafĂŒzĂ©rt imĂĄdkozunk a SzƱzanya tiszteletĂ©re
a Magyarok Nagyasszonya kĂĄpolnĂĄnkban
mĂĄjus 6, jĂșnius 3 d.u. 6 Ăłrakor
LĂĄtogassuk közössĂ©gĂŒnk honlapjĂĄt: http://church.hungaria.org ♥
Ă©s Facebook oldalĂĄt: St. Stephen of Hungary Catholic Community
Washington DC and Vicinity
A szervezĂ©s gondjait KovĂĄcs Ăva vĂĄllalta. ♥ kovev43@gmail.com
A pĂ©nztĂĄrosi teendĆk vĂ©gzĂ©sĂ©t TakĂĄcs Zsuzsa gondossĂĄgĂĄra bĂztuk. ♥ 301/907- 8038
Az agape terĂtett asztalĂĄrĂłl Ăgopcsa György gondoskodik. ♥
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Thursday, 7 April 2016
[Unicum] PĂŒspöklĂĄtogatĂĄs
A Magyarorszågi Szent Istvån Katolikus Közösség
nevében örömmel tudatjuk, hogy
FĆtisztelendĆ Dr. CserhĂĄti Ferenc,
a kĂŒlföldön Ă©lĆ katolikus magyarok
lelkipĂĄsztori ellĂĄtĂĄsĂĄval megbĂzott
esztergom-budapesti segĂ©dpĂŒspök Ășr
ĂĄprilis 19-Ă©n
szentmisĂ©t mutat be a MĂĄria SzeplĆtelen kĂĄpolnĂĄban d.u. 4:30-kor.
(SzeplĆtelen FogantatĂĄs Kegytemplom – National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception)
Szentmise utĂĄn pĂŒspök Ășr lĂĄtogatĂĄst tesz a
Magyarok Nagyasszonya KĂĄpolnĂĄba.
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Monday, 4 April 2016
[Unicum] April Hungarian Freedom Fighters Federation (HFFF) luncheon
A delicious menu and great friends are waiting for you, please join us.
The date is April 10, 2016 from 2:00-4:00 at Kensington Baptist Church
Fellowship room.
The address is : 10100 Connecticut Ave. (cross street is Dresden), Kensington, MD 20895.
The cost of the luncheon for Seniors and children $10 and Adults $15
Please call Susan Lengyel-McLoughlin, 571-594-1961 or email : susielengyel@hotmail.com
So looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Friday, 1 April 2016

2016 will be the 57th year of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition. Jessup is the world's largest moot court competition, with participants from over 550 law schools in more than 80 countries. The Competition is a simulation of a fictional dispute between countries before the International Court of Justice, the judicial organ of the United Nations. One team is allowed to participate from every eligible school. Teams prepare oral and written pleadings arguing both the applicant and respondent positions of the case.
Thousands of law students from around the world will work all year long on the season's Jessup Problem that will focus on the the legality of cyber-surveillance and cyber-attacks under international law.
Most students must first compete in qualifying competitions (mostly held in January-March) to earn the right to advance to the White & Case International Rounds held every spring in Washington, D.C.
Thank you for your support!
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