Sunday 30 March 2014

[Unicum] Re: Magyar valasztasok

Dear Erika, I completely agree with you.  The requirement to mail your ballot to Budapest was not a very practical method.  I hope they will change it by the time of the soon up and coming election for the EU Parliament.

First of all, the return envelope in French and Hungarian only was an object of mystery to both a postal clerk and her supervisor at our local post office.  I finally added the word HUNGARY to the address and paid $3.29 postage.  I could have paid, like you, a ridiculous $24 for Priority Mail, but I trusted the mail to get there in time.

It seems that all the ballots, collected at the three US locations where Hungarian citizens can vote in person, are bundled  up and sent to Budapest by diplomatic pouch for processing. I suggest that in the future ALL ballots should be mailed to voters and the returned ballots be mailed to the Embassy for forwarding to Hungary.  This way ALL voters would have a chance to vote even in far away places like Hawaii or Alaska, where a personal visit to a consulate is just not practical.  Also each voter would have to pay only 49 cents for a First Class Stamp, with a much higher chance to timely delivery than mailing the ballots to Hungary.

I hope the Embassy staff is reading this and will forward it to the authorities in Hungary.  It's great that we can ALL finally participate in the elections from abroad, now let's make it easy us voters.

I won't even mention online voting, like they have it in Estonia.  It seems to be beyond the imagination of Hungarian lawmakers, even though we regularly pay bills, order expensive merchandise  and file our taxes online.  Let's hope that eventually the twenty first century arrives in Hungary also.

Charles Vamossy
Peekskill, NY USA 

On Friday, March 28, 2014 5:48:26 PM UTC-4, Gotthard wrote:
A Magyarországon lakcímmel rendelkező választópolgár az alabbi cimen
kérheti, hogy külföldön tartózkodása miatt az általa megjelölt
külképviselet névjegyzékébe vegye fel a választási iroda:

A washingtoni szavazóhelyiség címe:
3910 Shoemaker Street, NW Washington, DC 20008
A szavazás ideje: 2014. április 5. 6-19 óra között.

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