Sunday 24 May 2015

[Unicum] Still room on the Transylvania Tour

The AHEA post-conference tour, open to all, still has some open slots.  Copies is the information and itinerary.  Please send $100.00 reservation fee to


c/o  Eniko M. Basa

4515 Willard Ave.  #2210

Chevy Chase, MD  20815


The balance can be paid on site.  Leaving from Kolozsvar and returning to Budapest.  [Bus from Budapest to Kolozsvar earlier to coincide with the conference; hotel in Kolozsvar might be available; contact Kalman Magyar at ]


The AHEA conference takes place from July 9-11.  The Budapest-Kolozsvar is primarily for conferees, but you can always inquire.


See for more information on the conference.






AHEA tour 2015

Hungary segment



The bus will depart from Szent Gellért tér, Budapest at 8 AM on

July 9, Thursday – it will arrive to Kolozsvár on the same day in time for the conference evening program. Registration required.

FEE: estimated to be 30 USD



Tour will leave from the UNIVERSITY Hotel in Kolozsvar

July 12 Excursion to Válaszút, meeting Zoltán Kallós ethnographer, folklore collector. Early afternoon reach Torockó, the one-time miners' town in the Aranyosszék region. Torockó is a recipient of the “Europa Nostra” award. Leaving this enchanting settlement we continue to the Torda Ravine (Tordai Hasadék), one of the famed sights in Transylvania. We will walk into the canyon memorable from the Legend of Szt. László. To top off the day, we will travel through Inner Transylvania to Gernyeszeg. Lodging and dinner here.

July 13 Morning sightseeing in Marosvásárhely, the largest Székely (Seckler) town. Sightseeing, walking on the long main square: Teleki Téka ( Samuel Teleki's famous library), The Palace of Culture, (Art Nouveau style bulding with Zsolnay ceramic ornamentations.

Traveling towards the Küküllő river area, from Erdőszentgyörgy to Bözödújfalu (the flooded village), where one time Secklers converted to the Jewish religion lived. We will look at their memorial. Continuing further into Seckler Land (Székelyföld), the next stop is Szováta with the heliothermal, naturally salty lake, then to the Parajd salt mine. Visit the huge underground mineshafts, where a museum, chapel and asthma curing chambers are functioning.

Arrival to Korond late afternoon, browsing in the folk art market, a chance to shop pottery, embroideries, woodcarvings. An example of the Secklers' humor is their claim that Christopher Columbus first met Secklers when he landed in the New World.

Travel to Gyergyó Basin through the Görgényi „Alps”.

Dinner and lodging in Gyergyószentmiklós.




July 14 Visit Szárhegy near Gyergyószentmiklós, to see the Renaissance, one time castle of the Lázár family, where Gábor Bethlen, later Prince of Transylvania, spent his childhood.

Continue to Gyilkos tó (Scatching Lake), on the curvy serpentins of the Eastern Carpathian Mountains. Walk and relax by the lake.

Continue to the spectacular Békás Szoros (translated Frog Cove). Enjoy the fresh air by the Pokol Tornáca („Porch of Hell”.)

Return to Gyergyószentmiklós, visit the Armenian Catholic, as well as the Roman Catholic Church.

Late afternoon travel to the village of Borzont to see the local Skanzen, excursion to the woods with horse driven carriages, accompanied by local folk musicians and enjoy biscuits (pogácsa) and brandy (pálinka) along the way.

Dinner with music at the „Basa Kereszttáti” Inn, one Transylvania's most famous, over 100 years old inns. Lodging in Gyergyószentmiklós.



July 15 Travelling along the Maros River, crossing the Gréces Pass, reaching the Olt River Valley and arrive at the Felcsik. Region. Paying homage to the Seckler Bane (Székely Vész) at the Madéfalva memorial, remembering the massacred and fugitive Secklers as part of the coerced enlistments in 1764.

Next stop is Csiksomlyó, site of the memorable Maria Shrine and the Whitsun Pilgrimage. Visit the Shrine Church and the Franciscan monastery, the Triple Mound Altar and the Csángó Calvary.

In Csikszereda visit the local university.

Traveling further East, crossing the Gyimes Pass to Tatros Valley. We will pass through many Gyimes-Csángó villages before reaching the Rákóczi Castle, at the old Hungarian border. Visit the Hungairan Railroads exhibit in the one time most Eastern watchman's house.

Late afternoon, not far from the 1000 years old border, dinner at an intimate inn, listening and becoming familiar with Csángó folk music.

Lodging and for those still hungry dinner in Csiksomlyó.


July 16 Travel to Háromszék in Southern Secklerland. Clamber up by bus to Szent Anna Tó (Lake Saint Anna), one of the most beautiful attractions of the Eastern Carpathians. See the fascinating Mossy Turfs naturally formed in the vulcanic craters.

In Bálványosvár a chance to walk to the Torda Stenchy Caves and find out about the world of the baths, called „mofettas”, established around the gas eruptions.




Kézdivásárhely – the county seat of Kovászna. Walk in the quaint Main Square, visit the Guild Museum.

Next stop Gelence, visit the Árpád age church. The interior walls of the church are adorned with murals from the 1300s depicting the legend of Sant Ladislaus (Szent László).

Alsócsernát: visit the Pál Hasszmann museum, famous in distant lands for its technological, agricultural and folklore collections.

Travelling towards Brassó, we reach the one-time Saxon border. In Prázsmár visit one of the most famed Saxon fortress churches, buit between the 13th and 15th centuries. Its main features are the several hundred living quarters to house the local population fleeing from enemies.

Return to Csiksomlyó, through Sepsiszentgyörgy.


July 17 After breakfast say farewell to the Csik Basin, passing Hargita arrive at Udvarhelyszék. Short rest in the main square, where statues of great figures of Hungarian history stand. Continue to Székelyderzs, visit the Unitarian Fortress church. Very uniquely, local habitants store their dry goods in the church in wooden chests. Travelling through the Valley of Nagy Küküllő river, leave Székelyföld. Outside Segesvár, in Fehéregyház, see the statue and museum of Sándor Petőfi, who disappeared here in the battlefield. In Segesvár, the nicest Saxon town, sightseeing. Clocktower, Citadel. Next, visit the Saxon fortress church of Berethalom, the one time bishop seat, government diets, and regal meeting place of the Saxons.

Dinner and lodging in Gyulafehérvár, a former capital of Transylvania.


July 18 In the morning visit the Gyulafehérvár Castle. Marvel at the baroque castle gates, and the Romanesque and Gothic style Basilica of the Transylvanian Roman Catholic Archdiocese. Inside the church are tombstones of János Hunyadi, Queen Izabella, Prince János Zsigmond, cardinal diplomat György Fráter.

Next attraction is Vajdahunyad and the stately castle of the Hunyadi family.

In the afternoon set out to return to Hungary. In the Maros River valley the Castle of Tall Déva (Magos Déva) and the Castle of Solymos at Lippa can be spotted.

In Arad, paying homage to the thirteen executed generals' memorial, then see the amazing „Freedom” statue group by sculptor György Zala.

Crossing the border to Hungary at Nagylak, arrive to Budapest in the evening hours.

Participating fee of the Transylvania tour: 500.00 USD, includes bus cost along the given route (and local transfers in Kolozsvár), tour guiding from Kolozsvár to Arad. Breakfasts in the hotels, one night lodging in Gernyeszeg, 2 night lodging in Gyergyószentmiklós and Csiksomlyó, 1 night lodging in Gyulafehérvár in *** hotels. Dinners in the hotels included, except July 14th. Meal also included in the July 14th horse carriage program and the July 15th late lunch with the Csángó folk music program.

The price does not include single occupancy.


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