Wednesday 18 July 2012

[SCOW] Wednesday Scot Racing Status

Greetings Intrepid NASCAR** Fans,
The good news:  Our new storm jibs have arrived, see attached photo!
The bad news:  They are not rated for Cats and Dogs, and it is supposed to rain Cats and Dogs tonight.
There's a 98% chance that we will cancel, but that does NOT mean that we can't get into trouble elsewhere. 
I will watch the radar and stay apprised of the forecast so we can make some sort of preliminary call around 1600.  If it looks semi-dicey, we can head to the marina and decide from there.  If it looks really dicey (a more likely scenario given the current prognosis), we will abort outright and head straight for Plan B, maybe a restaurant for dinner.  We can all wear our PFD's and politely demand The Mariner's Discount. 
Jonathan (for Deepak this week) 
**National Airport Scot Competitive Association Riverdancers 

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