Thursday 14 June 2012

[SCOW] Capsize Course

G’day All,


Yep, it’s that time of the year again, when SCOW offers its world-famous Flying Scot Capsize Course!   A fun time is had by all, as we take the Scots out, capsize them on purpose, and teach you how to get them back upright.  We take two of the cruisers and two Flying Scots down to Smoots Cove, just south of the Wilson Bridge and tip boats over (water fights are optional, but have been known to break out spontaneously during this event).  This is a great class to take if you have any fear at all of the boats going over.  You’ll get a better sense of just how far over the Scots can go without actually capsizing, and if they do capsize, you’ll learn it’s not that big of a deal to get the mast pointing back up towards the sky. 


If you’re a Flying Scot skipper, I highly recommend taking this course.  But note: skippership is NOT required for this course, it’s open to anyone willing to learn and have a fun day out on the water.


We still have a few open slots for Saturday, July 7th, or on Saturday, August 18th.  So if you’d like to learn a bit, and have a splashing good time doing it, just contact


Fair winds,

Thom Unger

Stuart Ulman

Jeff Teitel







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