Friday 15 June 2012

(Career Progress) JOB: National Campaigns Manager, Rebuild the Dream (anywhere - virtual office) - co-host of "Take Back The American Dream conference on Monday (volunteer or register on-site on-site)

A great way to become a lead contender on this job is by volunteering at the "Take Back The American Dream" conference for the progressive movement next week. Last night I was part of a Bag Stuffing pizza party where I met Roger Hickey & Robert Borosage , the co-directors of Campaign for America's Future that co-hosts the conference....I would imagine you can meet several Rebuild The Dream staffers when you volunteer and it will show your commitment to the progressive cause AND result in a FREE Conference Day Pass that includes food etc.
You can VOLUNTEER on Tuesday (7:30am-4pm, 5pm-7pm), Wednesday (7:30am-4pm) or Thursday (7am-10am) & get a One-Day Conference pass FREE! Email Johnathan Harrison @ to sign up with subject line "N4P volunteer" and your days available, full name, address, phone and interests regarding the conference.
BTW our $95 discount rate is no long available online but if you don't want to volunteer email me ASAP and maybe I can arrange for you to pay the N4P conference price (not the standard $295) at the door.
SEE THE FULL CONFERENCE AGENDA HERE (with Take Back The Dream party on tuesday):
(speakers include Van Jones, Howard Dean, NYT's Paul Krugman, Sandra Fluke, MSNBC & Nation's Chris Hayes & Ari Melber, MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry, Nation's Katrina vanden Heuval, Sen. Sherrod Brown, Sen Sheldon Whitehouse, Sen Bernie Sanders, Rep Keith Ellison and retiring legend Rep. Barney Frank!!!)
    Rebuild The Dream Hiring <> Jun 14 09:31AM -0400  

    We've opened a very cool new job at Rebuild the Dream, and we need your
    help filling it. Please take a look at the description below, apply if
    you're moved, or send it along to someone brilliant and eager if it's not
    for you.
    And if you have a personal recommendation for a great candidate, send a
    brief note my way at this address. (Recommending yourself doesn't count :)
    JOB: National Campaigns Manager, Rebuild the Dream (anywhere - virtual
    Rebuild the Dream is looking for a National Campaigns Manager to join our
    team. We're a platform for bottom-up, people-powered innovations to help
    fix the U.S. economy, founded by Van Jones, Billy Wimsatt, and Natalie
    Foster. With more than 600,000 members, we're working to save billions of
    dollars from draining into the financial industry, putting it instead back
    in the pockets of American families, and we need you to help us win big
    victories in this crucial year.
    If you're a smart, strategic campaigner with strong writing chops and a
    passion for the 99%, I hope you'll apply. We need you on our team!
    Read the full job description and application instructions here:



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